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Happy New Year from Firoozeh Dumas - Book: Laughing Without an Accent

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Adventures of an Iranian American, at Home and Abroad

Get multiple copies, before goes on Oprah list, shipping in April 29, 2008


Firoozeh Dumas was born in Abadan...Firoozeh decided to write her stories as a gift for her children... Funny in Farsi was on the SF Chronicle and LA Times bestseller lists...finalist for the PEN/USA award in 2004 ...Jimmy Carter called Funny in Farsi, “A humorous and introspective chronicle of a life filled with love—of family, country and heritage.”...Funny in Farsi is now on the California Recommended Reading List...The Persian version of Funny in Farsi is currently one of the bestselling books in Iran.



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Thank you for your kind comments. I love the prediction about it going on Oprah's List! From your mouth to God's ears.


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