Houston, Persian New Year Festival

Sunday March 23
The fourth Annual Persian New Year Festival will be held on Sunday March 23, 2008 from 1:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Jones Plaza in downtown Houston, Texas. This program is organized by the Iranian-American Cultural Organization of Houston, a non-profit cultural organization.
This festival features folkloric and traditional dancers of Djanbazian Dance Company, singers Sandy and Bita. Also enjoy traditional Iranian music by Chakavak ensemble, local band Persia, and DJ Arash. This festival also features cultural exhibitions, Persian Bazaar, children's games and activities, Persian food, and more. Join more than 3500 people who celebrate the coming of Norouz in the beautiful Jones Plaza in downtown Houston.
Tickets are $15.00 for adults, $5 for youngsters between 7-12 years old, and free for under 7 years. Advanced purchase: Buy 5 get one free. Tickets sold at Super Vanak, OK Travel, and Phoenicia Market. For more information contact (713) 213-4500 or visit www.persianfest.com.