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North Carolina., 2008 Norooz Celebrations



Saturday March 22,

Persian food, Persian music, and lots of dancing!  Tickets are $40 for adults, $20 for children (12 and under). Call Marina at 336.508.0849 for tickets. March 22, Saturday, 6:00PM - Norooz Party (New Year). The Marriott (Airport) ballroom, in Greensboro off of Bryan Blvd.


March 18, Tuesday evening - Chahar Shanbeh Suri, with our traditional leap over the bonfires.  Place: In Elon/Burlington, a big event at Morazi's International Grill, 2085 North NC 87, Elon, NC 27244, call  (336) 585-0050.  Masoud has a special Persian menu for this year, and the dining starts at 6PM.  In Greensboro, we'll be back at the country home of Mehraban Dashtaki-Mobareke, 317 Buchanan Heights Rd., Greensboro, NC 27405. We’ll serve Persian tea, and we encourage you to bring sweets!


March 22, Saturday, 6:00PM - Norooz Party (New Year). The Marriott (Airport) ballroom, in Greensboro off of Bryan Blvd.   Persian food, Persian music, and lots of dancing!  Tickets are $40 for adults, $20 for children (12 and under). Call Marina at 336.508.0849 for tickets.


March 30, Sunday, 10:00AM until dark - Sizdah Be Dar.  (13th Day Picnic) We’ll be back at Bur-Mil Park this year for our all-day picnic.  We’ve reserved Shelter 1, the first shelter on your left as you enter, which is a large shelter with a playground for the kids.  Bring food, beverages, instruments, soccer balls, and plan to stay the whole day!


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sale not0n mobarak!

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