Toronto, Gift of Joy - Celebrate New Year and help support Iranian refugees

Saturday March 1 to Sunday March 30
Persian New Year (Nowrooz) will be celebrated on March 20, 2008 at 1:48:19am. At this time families gather around the “Haft Seen” table to start the New Year together by feasting and celebrating. This year, like previous years, many queer Iranians who are seeking asylum will be spending New Year away from their home and families. This year IRQO is working on 80 of those asylum cases. We hope to share this special time with them, and therefore we are asking you to help us bring this gift of joy to their homes.
We suggest that you throw a simple party, and ask your friends and families also to take part in giving this gift of joy at such a special time by making a donation.
You may send your collected donations through PayPal services accessible on our website, or write a check to the Persian Gay and Lesbian Organization and mail it to the organization. We will distribute the collected donations among all queer asylum seekers. We hope to collect all donations by March 18, so the asylum seekers will have time to purchase clothing, food and pastry in preparation for New Year.
There will be a web page created for this purpose on the IRQO website. If you’d like to extend your invitation to a wider circle of friends and queer right supporters in your city, send us your event details and we will post it on the website. Messages, and if you wish, the name or name of your organization can be posted as well.
For donations please send your checks to the address below:
IRanian Queer Organization – IRQO
PH4-150 Graydon Hall Drive
M3A 3B3 Toronto, Ontario
Please make your checks payable to Persian Gay and Lesbian Organization. In addition, you can write on the check “to help Iranian queer asylum seekers celebrate Nowrooz”.
We will all work together and give this gift of joy to the Iranian queer asylum seekers.
For further information please email us at or call +1-416-548-4171