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Vancouver, CIF Norouz Gala




Saturday, March 22

Canadian Iranian Foundation Proudly Presents Norouz Persian New Year Celebration.





Vancouver, ICCA's 10th Norouz Gala  
Note: Iranian Canadian Cultural Foundation (different organization) can be found at http://www.icca-bc.com/

Tickets are Non-Members: $99, Members: $90, Students (with valid ID): $75. For membership info please see www.icca-bc.com

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You have combined two events and organizations and advertised for them in one place. CIF (the logo displayed) and ICCA (the event described) are TWO different organizations. They both had events at the same night. Please correct this info and for future reference please contact me at icca@shaw.ca for a list of our events.
Thank you.

Fixed for now, and will make a note for much better coverage for both organizations next year.

Happy New Year

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