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Washington DC, George Washington University's Iranian Cultural Society


Sunday March 2


The George Washington University's Iranian Cultural Society Proudly Presents:
Norooz 1387, A celebration of Persian New Year




Marvin Center, 800 21st. Street, NW, Washington DC
March 2, 2008, 6:00 pm
The George Washington University's Iranian Cultural Society Proudly Presents:
Norooz 1387, A celebration of Persian New Year

Join us on Sunday, March 2nd 2008 at 6PM for a night full of celebration featuring:

A special guest appearance by comedian K-Von, from Axis of Evil Comedy Group,
Live musical and dance performances
Poetry reading and much more...

Followed by gourmet Persian dinner and an after party with DJ Barobax.

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We attended the GW new year event and enjoyed it very much. My question is whether Tehran , the host, was a part of the DJ because I'm having my daughter's sweet 16th birthday party and I'm looking for a good entertaining DJ and my daughter really enjoyed Tehran's entertainment.
Thank you

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